CMS Softball 2007 Games
v s LMS 3-9-2007
vs CMA 3-10-07

2nd Game

Dickson Tournament

Attention: Please, if you see a picture that you like, parents or grandparents or relatives, don't make a copy of the pictures that you look at on this site, I have to make them low quality so that it will not take as long to look at on a slow internet connection. Just send me an email, or Indicate the ones that you would like to get printed off, and I will burn them to a cd and then you can have them printed at a local shop and get much better quality pictures. I have also put selected ones on a site from which you can get prints made. Just click here , but you will have to get the password, just check with coach Connie or email me and I will send it to you .Be sure and include an address that I can mail the cd too if you want to go that route. These images are best viewed at a resolution of at least 1024x768 or higher.